Uredinopsis pteridis
Alternate host: bracken fern
- Yellowing blotches on the upper surface of needles
- Needles of any age vulnerable
- White, tube-like fruiting bodies on underside of needles
- Trees near alternate host (bracken fern)
- Current season needle necrosis
- Pucciniastrum needle rust
- Observe trees in areas near alternate host (bracken fern).
- Look for yellowing (often banded) on current season needles.
- Remove and destroy all bracken ferns nearby. Pathogen depends on alternate host for survival.
- Spray protective fungicides (if needed) on developing fir shoots.

- Medium susceptibility: Grand fir, White fir, Shasta fir

- Look for yellowing blotches on upper surface of infected needles: All year round
- Check for tube-like structures on underside of needles: Mid-April through September
- Use fungicides to protect new growth: Mid-May through Mid-June
- Control ferns with herbicides: Mid-August through September